University Travel Programs

A couple of decades ago a consultant (who shall go unnamed) started a trend by giving out bad advice, and that mistake has persisted, like a bad cold, ever since. University travel buyers who still hold his advice to be true are doing their employers a disservice by disregarding some of the most important guiding…


STAYING SAFE THROUGH INNOVATION A survey of supplier enhancements… As pandemic inspired innovations make their way across the hospitality sector, travelers will benefit from the inclusion of new technology, with quicker check-ins, easier bag transfers and other services at their fingertips. Following are some of the corporations (and brands) which are adding new contact-less programs…

A New Travel Wallet

For travel to return to normal levels travelers need to easily prove that they have taken the correct test and can accurately prove their health status as they travel and attempt to enter another country. Wait no longer… Imvoome provides travelers with a convenient and contact-less solution for storing and sharing official COVID-19 test results,…